Did you miss me

It has been a mixed bag kind of a year with many ups and downs, both financially and emotionally. It has also been over a year since I last blogged on here. In that time I have under gone lots of changes, but still tried to learn and grow as a photographer. I have decided that I am going to start blogging more and I am also going to start a new project of video blogging, both camera reviews but also a personal project of interviewing other creatives.

The aim of this is first to help me track my progress as I dip my toes further into the film photography process, whilst buying and learning new equipment, doing my own take on camera reviews but from my own real world experiences rather than reading you the manual.

Then I am starting my new personal project. I hope to interview fellow creative from different fields, both amateur and professional to help gain further insight into how others think and work. Part of this project will see me making portraits of them and I and going to shoot both film and digital for this to see how they compare. This should be a fun project.

I hope that some of you will follow along on this journey and some might also find it useful as we are not all in the same boat with where we are in our photographic journey, how much time or money we have and just knowing about certain equipment or techniques.

Looking forward to what this will bring

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